Heather Wood - One Breath At A Time

“One Breath at a Time.” 

When a dear friend shared this nugget of wisdom with Heather, she was preparing for one of the most frightening experiences of her life: giving birth to her son while compromised by COVID-19.

As one of the first maternal COVID-19 cases in her city, Heather’s childbirth was nothing like she expected. Knowing that her husband Scott could not be in the delivery room with her, she had to walk into the hospital alone. Adding an additional layer to this complex scenario, Heather’s health challenges contributed to complicated, intimidating, anxiety-riddled labour.

In this episode, Heather shares how she relied on her resilience, faith, and courage to weather one of the darkest storms of her life—while also leading to one of the most beautiful outcomes. Today, she and Scott celebrate being the parents of a healthy and happy one-year-old boy, named Jasper.

As we all continue to endure the uncertainty of the pandemic, along with our own unique struggles, Heather’s story reminds us how powerful it is to choose hope in difficult times, and that we can get through anything, one breath at a time.


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